45 Degree Variable Helix – Primarily for high-speed machining of aluminum, plastics, and other non-ferrous materials including brass and bronze alloys.
45 Degree Variable Helix – Primarily for high-speed roughing of aluminum, plastics, and other non-ferrous materials including brass and bronze alloys.
Python: 45 Degree Variable Helix – Primarily for general purpose versatile machining of non ferrous and steel.
38 Degree Double Variable Helix -This group of tools evolved from our Cobra and Python end mills designed for high temperature alloy machining in materials such as Stainless Steel & Titanium.
38 Degree Double Variable Helix -This group of tools evolved from our Cobra and Python end mills designed for high temperature alloy machining in materials such as Stainless Steel & Titanium.

Our Carbide Chamfer Tools are available in 60°, 82°, 90°, and 120° included point angles

Dovetails, Helical (0 rings 1/16" – 3/8")

Our carbide corner rounding end mills provide a uniform finish on material edges.
45 Degree Variable Helix – Primarily for high-speed machining of aluminum, plastics, and other non-ferrous materials including brass and bronze alloys.